Meet the Leadership


Bluff City Lodge 660 Officers

President Michelle Windmiller
Vice President Tim Owens
Secretary – Treasurer B. Dean Webb
Recording  Secretary Robert Masiero
Conductor – Sentinel Timothy J. Young
Trustee Kenneth Chavaree
Trustee Zachary Bertels
Trustee Kevin Howard
B. Dean Webb
Tim Owens

Bluff City Lodge 660 Office Secretary

Executive Secretary Amber Olroyd
Assistant Secretary Amy Hall

Bluff City Lodge 660 Committees

Organizing Committee Legislative Committee By-Laws Committee
B. Dean Webb – Chairman B. Dean Webb B. Dean Webb
Timothy J. Young Timothy J. Young Timothy J. Young
Michelle Windmiller Michelle Windmiller Michael Windmiller
Robert Masiero Robert Masiero Robert Masiero
Tim Owens Tim Owens Tim Owens
Zach Bertels Zach Bertels Zach Bertels
Kenneth Chavaree Kenneth Chavaree Kenneth Chavaree
Jason Tetidrick
Luke Lenhardt
Darren Bierman
Honorary Withdrawal Cards Building Committee Community Service
B. Dean Webb B. Dean Webb B. Dean Webb
Timothy Young Timothy Young Timothy Young
Robert Masiero Robert Masiero Lynn Hemann
Refreshment Committee Sick & Entertainment Committee Old Timers Committee
B. Dean Webb B. Dean Webb Tim Owens
Robert Masiero Ron Karpan
Olen Wetcher
Audit Committee
Lynn Hemann
Dan Lowe
Jason Hargrave

Bluff City Lodge 660 Delegates

District 9 Executive Board Traveling Delegates Alt Traveling Delegates
B. Dean Webb B. Dean Webb Michael Windmiller
Robert Masiero Tim Owens
District 9 Delegates Madison County Federation of Labor AFL-CIO 13th Dist. C.O.P.E AFL-CIO
Timothy J. Young Timothy J. Young B. Dean Webb
Terry Healey Terry Healey Robert Masiero
B. Dean Webb B. Dean Webb Michael Windmiller
Robert Masiero Robert Masiero Tim Owens
Michelle Windmiller Daniel Lowe Jason Tetidrick
Luke Lenhardt Jason Tetidrick
Jason Tetidrick  Luke Lenhardt
Ann Ballesteros Tim Owens
Darren Bierman

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